Les “Talk Shows” des classes de 1ère

They say the best way to learn a language is to practice, and what better way to do that than through a talk show?

In one of our lesson plans about fake news and conspiracy theories, our young learners in Grade 11 have conducted some research and then organised and hosted their own talk shows. The outcome is absolutely amazing, and it would be a shame not to show it to you. Not only did the students offer good insight on a variety of subjects, (all remarkably interesting) but they have also proved to be tech-savvy, quick-witted, and very creative.

Here are some of them for you to watch, enjoy, and mostly, be proud of your children

N.B: They were all quite spontaneous, so please forgive the minor slips.

The English Team

(Il  est conseillé de télécharger les vidéos afin de pouvoir les visionner correctement)




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